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Devotion May 18th

Verse to Memorize this Week


"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."

Colossians 3:23



Weekly Devotional


This verse is challenging you to give God your best in every area of your life. It says, "whatever you do..." This could mean chores, school, or a project you may be doing. Whatever you do, give God your best. 


The word heartily means with all your heart. A synonym for heartily is thoroughly. It's easy to be lazy during a job or only do it half way, but the Bible is saying to do it thoroughly or completely. 


It's also easy to do your best when people are watching and cheering you on, but this verse is saying don't do your best to be praised by people do your best for God. He is watching and cheering you on as you follow Him. 



Whatever you are doing this week, do your best for Jesus. 



Devotion May 11th

Verse to Memorize this Week


"Now set your heart and your soul to seek after the LORD your God;" 1 Chronicles 22:19a




Weekly Devotional


In 1 Chronicles 22:19, King David is talking to his son Solomon, preparing him to become the next king. He has given him all of these instructions and finishes by saying that Solomon needs to seek after the Lord. Solomon could work all he wanted, but if he wasn't seeking the Lord it all would fail.


That is the same in our life. We need to set our heart and soul to seek after the Lord. We need to spend time in God's presence and ask for God's wisdom as we go through each day of our life. When God is our focus then He will be able to accomplish all of the plans He has for our life, but if we don't seek Him everything we try to do will fail.


This week spend some time seeking the Lord. Spend time in His Word, spend time in prayer, and spend time seeking for His wisdom in your life.


Time spent with Jesus is never wasted time.

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