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Weekly Devotion Archive

Miss a week? Here you can find devotions from up to 4 weeks back so you'll be able to catch up.


"The Miracle of God's Word"

For this week's devotion I'd like us to take a second and recognize how miraculous God's Word is. It is a book we can often take for granted, yet when we take a step back and realize its miraculous formation as well as the incredible things it contains, we can begin to trust and appreciate it in a much greater way!


First, let's look at it's formation. The Bible was written by around 40 authors across a span of 1600 years. Writers were from many areas, time periods, backgrounds, and many had no communication with one another. Authors included kings, fishermen, farmers, shepherds, a doctor, and even a tax collector to name a few. They wrote during times of peace and war, captivity and prosperity. Some writings included history and genealogies while others were simply letters to a person or people group.  

Holy bible detail

Yet, even with these immense differences these men were able to compile a cohesive collection of writings that did not contradict but instead built on one another. We have been gifted with a completion of this collection and it is so entirely cohesive that we call it by a single name and treat it as a single book instead of 66 separate books. 


The amazing thing is that the Bible is not only cohesive it is also accurate. You don't have to swallow hard and ignore the areas of science, history, and archaeology when studying Scripture. Instead, it holds true and is verified even by what some may call "secular" fields. On top of this, the Bible contains many accurate prophecies as well as record of their fulfillment further establishing its veracity. The authors can withstand vetting 


Even still, people today can be assured that the text that they hold is still the genuine word of God. Kings and nations have tried to quash it. Religious leaders have tried to withhold it. People have tried to ruin its reputation or even replace it altogether. Yet, the Word of God still remains genuine and alive today. It has withstood the test of time and been handed down accurately through the generations passing every test with flying colors. 


Once you begin to put all of these pieces together, it is clear that this book that we have so readily available to us is no ordinary book. Man could never take such a diverse group of people across a 1600 year timespan and hope to have them write a book that was even remotely cohesive. Then this book would have to stand the test of time, the scrutiny of others, and be handed down accurately from one generation to the next. Yet, that is exactly what the Bible is. It truly could only come from one source. 


God Himself!


Challenge: This week I am going to leave you a few links and titles to some resources that you can use to study the reliability of Scripture further. These resources are where I got the information for today's devotional but there is so much more you can study. We barely scratched the surface in this devotional but hopefully it wet your tastebuds and made you want to search a little more. Your challenge this week is to take some time (even if its only a few minutes) to do some of your own research on the reliability of the Bible. It's definitely worth your time





The Divine Inspiration of the Bible by Arthur Pink

The Bible and the Church by Roslim Suwandoko and David Duncan





July 19th

"Oh, How He Loves You and Me"

So, we are going to keep things super simple this week. I found this song recently and was encouraged by the simple truth it presents. Give it a listen and allow it to encourage you as well. Jesus Loves You! He gave His life, what more could He give? Don't ever forget this simple truth. Remind yourself of it often and don't let anyone tell you any different. 




Yep, that's it! Like I said...super simple. 


Challenge: Send this song to someone this week and remind them of this simple truth. 

July 12th


"Our Need for Wisdom"


I saw this quote the other day and immediately recognized how applicable it was to the day in which we are living. We are surrounded, inundated, overwhelmed, flooded, engulfed (you get the idea) by information. It is so readily available. It is literally at your fingertips. Stories, articles, statistics, videos, podcasts, Social Media posts, pictures, you name it...we've got access to it. Information about any topic you can imagine can be found. So it begs the question, "If we live in a society that has more information readily available than probably ever before, why does it feel like we also live in a society that is misinformed at best and can at time just be plain ignorant?" 


The simple answer... We lack wisdom.


One definition Noah Webster gave wisdom was, "The right use or exercise of knowledge." 



Without wisdom we are simply surrounded with information (knowledge) without the good sense of how to use it. â€‹â€‹â€‹


But wisdom alone is not the only answer for wisdom's foundation is built upon something else. 

Proverbs 9:10 reads, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." 

With this verse in mind we begin to see the whole picture. It is not only wisdom that we need but it is the fear of the Lord. Yes, we are starving for wisdom but even more than that we are starving for the fear of the Lord. We are starving for a respect and reverence for who He is and what He has done. When we begin to realize and reverence who He is then we begin to honor what He says (The Bible). It all starts with the fear of the Lord. 


We are surrounded by so much information that without wisdom and the fear of the Lord we can feel like we are drowning. But there is hope. Wisdom helps us cut through the false information to find the truth. It shows us how we can apply and act on this truth. It gives us the good sense and judgement to not simply act but act in the best way possible, and all of this is through the foundation which is built on the fear of the Lord and the honor, devotion, and respect we give His Word. 


Challenge: Maybe you feel like you've been drowning in information recently. There are so many mixed message in the news, social media, conversations we have etc. that it can be hard to discern what is right and how we should act on it. My challenge to you this week is to take some time to sincerely ask God to give you the wisdom and discernment to begin to decipher and use the information that you hear. But also remember that He has given you so many answers in His Word already...use it! 

Remember, it all begins with the fear of the Lord. Give Him your reverence, honor, and attention and He will surely lead you.

June 22nd

Remember the Fundamentals

This past week I was reminded of how important fundamentals are in sports. Everyone loves to see the highlight reel dunks, deep threes, ankle breakers, etc. in basketball. And for you soccer fans maybe you'd prefer 'megs and slide tackles :). Whatever it may be, I was quickly reminded that the highlights never happen if the fundamentals aren't there. It starts with simple dribbling drills, BEEF (or whatever word they use in soccer), and basic passing. You must be solid in your basics before anything else can grow. If your foundation is faulty you'll never reach your full potential. 

It's the same spiritually. Your foundation, or fundamentals, are what the rest of your spiritual walk grows on. If it is faulty you'll run into many issues along the way. My encouragement to you is to "remember your fundamentals", the basic truths upon which our faith is built. The things that you've learned many times over and yet still hold such importance in our spiritual journey. Don't ever forget the basics. The simple Sunday School stories, the simple scriptures you've memorized, the lessons that you've learned maybe years ago but that still ring true today. These are the things you must hold on to. Don't ever become to smart or to old for the basics. They are the foundation upon which our Spiritual lives are built. 


Challenge: Take some time to remember the basics. Maybe write a list of some of the basic truths upon which our Spiritual life is built. Things like Salvation and the power of The Holy Spirit, or some of the Scriptures that you've held onto throughout your life to this point. Whatever works best for you. Just take some time to remember the fundamentals. 



Service Times


9:30 am - Sunday School

10:45 am - Morning Service

6:30 pm - Evening Service


Wednesday Family Night Service

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm




706 Central Road

Bloomsburg, PA 17815

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